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Our Work

Organizations need to systematically track competitive dynamics, disruptive technologies, and emerging organizational structures in order to plan potential transformation paths.


The WAVE Lab's response is based on our collective experiences as management consultants and industry specialists. It is a T-shaped problem solving approach that helps uncover insights and deliver structured solutions in a collaborative manner: we combine functional expertise (such as innovation management, strategy, value engineering, etc.), with in-depth knowledge and skills specific to select industries.


Overall, the WAVE Lab and its partner network are involved in international projects (research, consulting), creating leading-edge intellectual property in select management disciplines (such as service science, value engineering, etc.), and applying uncovered insights to organizations in select industries: Culture & Travel; Energy & Environment; and Government.



Culture & Travel

Cultural heritage planning

Heritage interpretation

Museum management

Tourism management

Project management

Reimagining social innovation through heritage entrepreneurship

Budget: 2.5 m Euros

Energy & Environment

Urban metabolism

Industrial ecology / industrial symbiosis

Eco-efficiency & sustainability assessment

Renewable energy sources & technologies

Eco-innovation in energy/water use systems

"Methods and tools to evaluate the availability of renewable energy sources"

(2011; 186 citations; download)


Urban and regional development

Social innovation

Strategic planning

Stakeholder management

Project turnaround





© 2025  Wave.Ahead


Business School 

University of the Aegean

Chios Island Campus

Chios, GR-82100



+30 227 103 5185

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