Key facts
Industry: Energy & Environment
Theme: Business/Service Ecosystems
Related business issue: United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs #3, 9, 11, 12, 15, 17)
Grant: 1 million euros
Partners: European Universities, industry bodies, government agencies and civic organizations
Evaluation highlights
Competitive EU funding by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate General – Regional & Urban Policy
Submitted proposals: 151
Funded proposals: 20
Success rate: 13.2 %
Evaluation rank: 3rd

Reimagining social innovation through a tourism service ecosystem
Key facts
Industry: Public Sector
Theme: Business/Service Ecosystems
Grant: 1 million euros
Partners: European Universities, industry bodies, government agencies and civic organizations
Evaluation highlights
Competitive EU funding by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate General – Regional & Urban Policy
Submitted proposals: 122
Funded proposals: 17
Success rate: 13.9 %
Evaluation rank: 2nd

Developing innovation leaders through a training service ecosystem
Key facts
Theme: Business/Service Ecosystems
Grant: 1.5 million euros
Partners: European Universities, innovation consultancies, incubators and government agencies
Evaluation highlights
Competitive EU funding by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate General – Research & Innovation
Submitted proposals: 35
Funded proposals: 3
Success rate: 8.6 %

Engaging with IMD professors to advise executives across global industries on innovation management

Facilitating Responsible Innovation in South East Europe countries

Bridging innovation in sustainable tourism and agrofood sectors

Effective Reproducible Model of Innovation System

Linking motivations and roles in business ecosystems

Advising the CEO and the Board of Directors on international growth strategy and asset performance improvement

Supporting highly adaptive network enterprise collaboration through semantically enabled knowledge services

Developing a unique Europe/Asia Masters program in food innovation management

Promoting innovation and regional development in fragmented, island-based regions