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"Growth, in some curious way, depends on being always in motion just a little bit, one way or another" - Norman Mailer


Waves of Disruption Ahead. Twists and Crossroads.
We Help Organizations
Transform. Way Ahead.

Unlock new growth paths


Top performing organizations are increasingly distinguished by their ability to exploit disruptions

for radically reshaping and innovating in their strategy and operations.


The WAVE Lab at the University of the Aegean, Greece

is a research center

operating at the intersection of strategy and technology

to improve growth outcomes for organizations.


Uncover insights


Everything starts and finishes with leading-edge intellectual property. We monitor disruptions in technology and organizational structures. We then systematically research select management disciplines that can exploit such disruptions and make real impact in an organization's growth transformation plans.


Service Science

Value Engineering

Open Data & Business Analytics

Systems Science

Design solutions


Robust insights drive innovative approaches to solving real problems. We combine our research findings with our real-life experiences to develop relevant tools and methodologies. This is our arsenal for helping organizations identify and exploit growth options.




Innovation Management



Deliver results


What we can understand, we can change. We apply our expertise to organizations (big or small, existing or new ones) in select sectors and help them build capabilities to deliver improvements on a continuous basis. We learn too - and constantly refine, enrich and further disseminate our intellectual properties.


Culture & Travel

Energy & Environment



Born and shaped by a vibrant network


10+ Experts Worldwide (and Growing)

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